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How to Provide Access To ThryvHive to Update Custom Domain DNS Records

If you’re updating your ThryvHive website to a custom domain and don’t want to change your own DNS records with your domain registrar (the company through which you manage your domain name), ThryvHive’s team can do it for you in most cases.  You would need to grant permission to access your registrar account by inviting ThryvHive using email support@thryvhive.com.  ThryvHive would need access only to your domain.  Once the domain DNS has been updated, you can then remove ThryvHive’s access.  Every domain registrar has a different process for how to do this.

Here are specific instructions on how to do this on the most popular types of accounts.  If your domain registrar is not listed, you can do an internet search on “how to add delegate access to my [your domain registrar] account.”  Some companies don’t allow you to add users or delegate access in which case we will either need to use your actual account login or you will update the DNS records yourself.


Add/invite ThryvHive support@thryvhive.com following these instructions:


Use the “Hosting Password” to share access to domain and hosting settings using these instructions: https://www.bluehost.com/help/article/password-types#hosting

Network Solutions

Add users to your account with varying levels of access permissions.  Please add ThryvHive support@thryvhive.com following the instructions here: https://customerservice.networksolutions.com/prweb/PRAuth/webkm/help/article/KC-347/networksolutions

Google Domains

Share access to individual domains with other users.  Please add ThryvHive support@thryvhive.com following the instructions here: https://support.google.com/domains/answer/7179397?hl=en


You can use the Account Sharing Feature to share access to your domain.  Please add ThryvHive support@thryvhive.com following the instructions here:  https://support.hostinger.com/en/articles/1583777-how-to-share-access-to-your-account


Specific domain management can be delegated to other users.  ThryvHive Support is a Namecheap account holder under the username ThryvHivesupport.  Add ThryvHive support@thryvhive.com following the instructions here: https://www.namecheap.com/support/knowledgebase/article.aspx/192/46/how-do-i-share-access-to-my-domain-with-other-users/


You can share domain management with other users. Please add ThryvHive support@thryvhive.com following the instructions here: https://support.dnsimple.com/articles/sharing-domain/


Account Privileges let you set permissions for individual users.  Please add ThryvHive support@thryvhive.com following the instructions here: https://help.dreamhost.com/hc/en-us/articles/214694248-How-do-I-add-or-remove-account-privileges-


Please add ThryvHive support@thryvhive.com with full account privileges via the instructions here: https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200167946-Managing-Cloudflare-account-access


Please add ThryvHive support@thryvhive.com in the Tech Role following the instructions here: https://customerservice.register.com/prweb/PRAuth/webkm/help/article/manage-account-contacts


For ThryvHive support to access your domain settings, a sub-account needs to be created by you.  Once the sub-account is created you will share the username and password with us.  Please follow the instructions here: https://www.name.com/support/articles/205934117-creating-a-sub-account-on-name-com

You can also read more about sub-accounts in this article: https://www.name.com/blog/creating-and-managing-cloned-or-sub-accounts-on-name-com

A2 Hosting

Please follow these instructions to delegate access to DNS management to support@thryvhive.com: https://www.a2hosting.com/kb/a2-hosting-customer-portal/account-management/user-management/ (the only permission that needs to be granted is “Manage DNS settings.”


Wix currently doesn’t support adequate updating to MX records for sites/email clients that are not using the custom domain on a Wix sub-site. Therefore, if your custom domain is registered with Wix, you will need to transfer the domain to another registrar, such as Godaddy in order to use it freely for other sites. Wix provides the following instructions regarding transferring the domain: https://support.wix.com/en/article/transferring-your-wix-domain-away-from-wix-2477749

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